Connect a Scale

When using your IoT Box in Odoo, you could need to use a scale. Doing so is easy and convenient as it can be done in a few steps. Then, you can use it in your Point of Sale app to weigh your products, which is helpful if their price are based on it.


To link the scale to the IoT Box, connect them with a cable.


In some cases, a serial to USB adapter may be needed.

If your scale is compatible with Odoo IoT Box, there is no need to set up anything because it will be automatically detected as soon as it is connected.

IOT box auto detection.

You may need to restart the box and download your scales’ drivers from the box in some cases. To do so, go to the IoT Box Home Page and click on drivers list. Then, click on load drivers.

View of the IoT box settings and driver list.

Use a Scale in Point of Sale

To use the scale in your Point of Sale app, go to Point of Sale ‣ Configuration ‣ Point of Sale, open the one you want to configure, then click on Edit and enable the IoT Box feature.

View of the IoT box feature inside of the PoS settings.

Now, choose the IoT Box in the dropdown menu and check the Electronic Scale option. Then, you hit save.

List of the external tools that can be used with PoS and the IoT box.

The scale is now available in all your PoS sessions. Then, if a product has a price per weight set, clicking on it on the PoS screen opens the scale screen, where the cashier can weigh the product and add the correct price to the cart.

Electronic Scale dashboard view when no items are being weighed.